2011年1月30日 星期日

股神巴菲特的投資策略 全彩圖解

【檔案名稱】:一看就懂!全彩圖解 - 股神巴菲特的投資策略

LINK :http://yunfile.com/file/mingjims/6782ae1c/




全書閱讀或下載: http://www.ziimaa.com/Book-2412.html

2011年1月29日 星期六

PChome電腦家庭 第181期 – 軟體不用裝,百種應用全在雲端


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[Andriod 塔防遊戲] Final Fantasy Crystal Defenders 最終幻想戰略版 水晶衛士 v1.0 Cracked

簡介 :
SE出品的一款塔防遊戲!裏面角色均來自GBA/NDS的《最終幻想戰略版A》。玩家要根據每個關卡的變化,調整角色和屬性用以應對。遊戲將充分利用Andriod 的觸摸屏,方便的控製角色和搭配屬性裝備

Final Fantasy: Crystal Defenders v1.0 Cracked
Requirements: Android
Overview: Crystal Defenders is a defensive strategy game in which players deploy popular jobs from FINAL FANTASY Tactics A2..
Crystal Defenders is a defensive strategy game in which players deploy popular jobs from FINAL FANTASY Tactics A2, such as Black Mages and Soldiers, to fend off encroaching enemy hordes and prevent them from stealing their party's crystals. Players can enjoy 240 stages of action in one of two different game versions: W1 and W2. In W1, players can learn game basics. In W2, the introduction of Power Crystals opens up new doors, allowing for deeper, more detailed strategies.
Game Objectives & Features:
- Deploy units on the area map to protect crystal reserves from encroaching monster hordes.
- Monsters will enter an area and march through it until they are defeated or reach an exit, at which time they will steal one or more crystals.
- Simple touch panel-driven controls and up-tempo play make Crystal Defenders easily accessible whether at home or on the go.
- Innovative level design allows for high replayability


2011年1月28日 星期五

夾老公聽耶穌 陳法拉惡鬥佛癡奶奶

FACE 週刊 第192期 ~ 夾老公聽耶穌 陳法拉惡鬥佛癡奶奶
小圖 :  http://bitshare.com/files/fvwi1ev1/face.192s.pdb.html
大圖 :  http://freakshare.com/files/k1kpj3or/face.192B.pdb.html

騙4萬氹上床 呂方搾乾Do姐呃大陸妹



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大圖 :

89歲賭王慘變人球 爆爭產逆轉內幕

89歲賭王慘變人球 爆爭產逆轉內幕
前經理人咬住唔放 郭可盈睇中醫調經追仔沖喜
捅針啜走500cc脂肪 41歲蘭子大修
新開美甲店手工差 Angelababy遭網友鬧爆
東莞猝死 羅兆輝獨子繼承700萬遺產
          LINK :http://yunfile.com/file/mingjims/5c5cc445/